Reports & Publications
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for conducting institution-related research and documenting its findings to provide actionable knowledge to key institutional decision makers.
Reports & Publications
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- 2024 Institutional Profile (pdf)
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NJIT Sustainability Reports
- 2024 Sustainability Report
- 2023 Sustainability Report
- 2022 Sustainability Report
- 2021 Sustainability Report
Other Sustainability Reports
- Reich, J. P. (2024). Assessment Components Revision: A Collaborative Procedure for Re-Articulating and Aligning Program Curricula to Inform Effective and Efficient Assessment. 2024 Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, IN.
- Reich, J., Lipuma, J., Leon, C., "Using Trans-Disciplinary Communication in the Design of General Education Program Assessment: A case study," The 27th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2023 (9/14/2023).
- Meng, Y., Dasgupta, A., Deess, E., Bhattacharjee, K., Yuan, J., Ingle, S., "An Interactive Visualization Dashboard for Dynamic Data-Driven Calibration of Instructional Effectiveness," Bluenotes Global 2023 (08/01/2023).
- Marziliano, A., Popp, Sheri, Reich, J., "Self-Reflection for Continuous Improvement: How Revisiting an Assessment Plan Can Help Build Momentum for Campus Wide Change," Weave Education Webinar (1/12/2022).
- Collins, R., "A Multi-Pronged Approach to Identifying Peer Institutions," NJ AIR 25th Annual Conference (5/10/2019).
- Calluori, R., "Using Power BI to Visualize Entering Students Survey Data" NJ AIR 24th Annual Conference (5/11/2018).
- Rogers, C., "Web Scraping College Rankings," AIR Forum (5/30/2018).
- Collins, R., Gruzd, A., "Learning with Digital Media: Investigating the Relationships Between Student Citation Networks, Assignment Structures, and Learning Outcomes," HICSS 2017.
- Collins, R., Hiltz, S.R., Deek, F.P., "Knowledge Management for Learning: ICT System Affordances and the Impact of Order of Use," HICSS 2017.
- Rogers, C., "Tracking IR Effectiveness using Productivity Tools & Dashboards" NJ AIR 23rd Annual Conference (5/5/2017).
- Alelyani, T., Collins, R., Hiltz, S.R., Xiong, Y., "Not Just Silly Cat Videos: Knowledge Sharing via Social Media," AMCIS 2015.
- Bieber, M., Cai, X., Collins, R., Hiltz, S.R., Liu, Y., Sanchez Suasnabar, E., "How Hands Free Always On (HFAO) Technology Will Affect Classrooms," AMCIS 2015.
- Collins, R., Deek, F.P., Hiltz, S.R., "Share and Share Alike: Integrating Internet Resource Sharing Into Learning," AMCIS 2015.
- Rudniy, A., Calluori, R., Deess, P, "Big Data Analytics in Institutional Effectiveness" NJ AIR 20th Annual Conference (4/4/2014).
- Collins, R., Dwyer, C., Hiltz, S.R., Shrivastav, H., "Do I Know What You Can See? Social Networking Sites and Privacy Management," AMCIS 2012.
- Deess, E.P., Rudniy, A., Calluori, R., Joshi, K. "Modeling Faculty Load and Enrollment: A Visual Simulation Tool", National Association of Institutional Research. Chicago, IL (5/2010).
- "From small group member to citizen: Measuring the impact of jury deliberation on citizen identity and civic norms," Gastil, J., Leighter, J., Black, L., & Deess, E. P. (2008). Human Communication Research (34: 137-169)
- Briller, V., Deess, Eugene P., Calluori, R. and Joshi, K. Student Enrollment at a Large Technical University: Encouraging Women to Enter the Engineering Profession, (American Society for Engineering Education, Mid-Atlantic Section Conference, April 2007)
- Calluori, R. Briller, V., Carpinelli, J., Deess, P, and Joshi, K., A Comparison of Web Software Platforms, Teaching Technology Training used in Distance Learning Courses and Their Impact on Learning Outcomes, (Association for Institutional Research Forum 2006: Effectiveness through Diversity, Chicago (5/06)
- Carpinelli, J.D., Briller, V., Valyo, J.A., Deess, E.P., Calluori, R. and Joshi, K. Effects of a Freshman Engineering Design Experience on Student Performance in a Sophomore Circuits Course, (ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, pp.5025-5031, Portland, Oregon, June 2005)
- Briller, V., Deess, Eugene P., Calluori, R. and Joshi, K. “Predicting Engineering Student Retention”. (ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City , Utah , June 2004)
- Briller, V., Carpinelli, J., Deess, P., Calluori, R. and Gonzalez-Lenahan C. “The Effectiveness of Education Learning Assistants Program for Student Retention” , (ASEE Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, June 2003).
- Deess, P. NAEGS Conference Panel (2003)
- Zola, M., Deess, P., Calluori, R., and Briller, V. “Comprehensive Outcomes Assessment Model.” NJ Air Conference. April 2003.
- Calluori, R. and Zola, M. “A University- wide System for the Evaluation of Instructional Courses” NJ AIR Conference. April 2002.
- Calluori, R., Perna, A., Zola, M. and Briller, V. “Linking Entering Students Survey Data and Freshman Performance to Improve Advisement Services” (ASEE Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2002).
- Zola, M., Briller, V., Deess, P., and Calluori, R. “Evaluation of Retention factors at an urban public university in the US with large undergraduate and graduate engineering programs” Proceedings of the ICEE 2002 Conference.
- Reich, J. P., Lipuma, J., & León, C. (2024). Using Trans-Disciplinary Communication in the Design of General Education Program Assessment: A Case Study [IJHSR]. International Journal of Human Sciences Research, 4(10). /Research/Collaboration & Convergence. https://www.atenaeditora.com.br/catalogo/artigo-revista/using-trans-disc...
- Yáñez León, C. E., Lipuma, J., Meng, Y., & Reich, J. (2024). Exploring Student Self-Assessment in General Education: A Pilot Study Using Surveying Tools [IJHSR]. International Journal of Human Sciences Research, 4(9), 1–10. /Research/Education. https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.558492413036
- Reich, J., Lipuma, J., Leon, C., "Using Trans-Disciplinary Communication in the Design of General Education Program Assessment: A case study," Proceedings of the World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. https://doi.org/10.54808/wmsci2023.01, 2023.
- Collins, R., Steffen-Fluhr, N., "Hidden Patterns: Using Social Network Analysis to Track Career Trajectories of Women STEM Faculty," Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 38.1, 2019.
- Brooks, C. R. (2016). The Hare Krishnas in India. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Elliot, N., Rudniy, A., Deess, P., Klobucar, A., Collins, R., Sava, S., "EPortfolios: Foundational Issues in Measurement", Journal of Writing Assessment 9:2, 2016.
- Elliot, N., Deess, P., Rudniy, A., and Joshi, K. "Placement of Students Into First-Year Writing Courses," (Research in the Teaching of English, Volume 46, Number 3, February 2012, pp 285-313).
- Gastil, J., Deess, E. P., Weiser, P., & Simmons, C. (2010). The Jury and Democracy: How Jury Deliberation Promotes Civic Engagement and Political Participation. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Gastil, J., Deess, E. P., Weiser, P., & Larner, J. (2008). “Jury service and electoral participation: A strong test of the participation hypothesis,” Journal of Politics (70: 1-16).
- Gastil, J., Leighter, J., Black, L., & Deess, E. P. (2008). "From small group member to citizen: Measuring the impact of jury deliberation on citizen identity and civic norms", Human Communication Research (34: 137-169).
- Deess, P. "Civic Awakening in the Jury Room", (Journal of Politics, 2002).