Once documentation is submitted and approved, the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services (OARS) will provide electronic access to the Testing Accommodation Request Form
Requesting Testing Accommodations
Students must complete the Testing Accommodation Request Form (TARF) using a hyperlink provided by the OARS staff to request quizzes and exams.
To offer the OARS staff and professors/course instructors the appropriate amount of time to coordinate exam accommodations, testing accommodation requests must be submitted no later than 3 business days (Monday- Friday) prior to the exam date. For example, the request form for an exam scheduled to occur on Wednesday must be provided to OARS on or before the previous Thursday. Requests for final exams must be submitted 5 business days (Monday- Friday) prior to the last day of classes.
Students will receive an email confirmation with the testing location, start time and date of the exam.
Please contact OARS immediately if any of the following occur:
You have not received an email confirmation at least 2 business days (Monday- Friday) before the quiz/exam date.
You submitted an exam request, but prefer to take the quiz/exam with the class or made an arranged with the professor.
You have a personal, medical, or mental health emergency and cannot take the quiz/exam (Please note additional documentation submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students is required to excuse your absence from the exam and request a makeup exam)
We recognize a host of factors effect adherence to the submission deadlines. If this occurs, please inform the OARS office and your professor(s) to try and make alternative arrangements as soon as possible. The Office of Accessibility Resources and Services does not reschedule or allow makeup exams without first receiving approval from the professor/course instructor. Additional documentation and approval from the Office of the Dean of Students (Central King Building, L-71) may also be required prior to requesting a rescheduled or makeup exam. Please contact OARS to determine the appropriate steps and documentation for a makeup exam.