Faculty and Staff Wellness Program
Faculty and staff can connect with our Wellness Coach (yg434@njit.edu) to learn more about how incorporate taking care of yourself into your workday!
Services for Faculty and Staff
Peer Wellness Coaching is a confidential service that supports the optimal well-being of employees by empowering them to make decisions, set goals, and take action to experience a satisfying life balance. It is a gentle approach to long-term lifestyle adjustment. Faculty and Staff would receive coaching from our in-house wellness coach and program coordinator, Youthser Guerrero. For questions and/or to get started, please email him at youthser.guerrero@njit.edu
Coaching begins as a conversation in a setting that is comfortable to you. From there, your coach will support you in various ways towards the goal(s) you've set. You will receive support that "meets you where you are" and considers ways to gently refocus you on the mission to create a healthier you!
Ready to get started? Click on this link to set up a time and preferred method for your first coaching consult. You may also simply book a live informational session before getting started.
(Peer Wellness Coaching is not a substitute for professional counseling or health services.)
An ongoing look at wellness events for faculty and staff at NJIT. To request wellness workshops for yourself and others as well as for any comments and suggestions, contact our Peer Wellness Coaching Coordinator youthser.guerrero@njit.edu
Wellness Wednesday - From January 22nd to February 26th, join colleagues in a breathing and meditation series held via google meet at 9:30am and 3:30pm
Thursday February 13th - Heart Health Workshop (In-person). Come to CKB 116 from 12-1pm. Enjoy lunch and learn how tracking your numbers, adopting a healthier lifestyle and managing stress can improve your heart health.
Tuesday February 25th - Create a Digital Vision Board (virtual workshop). Engage your creativity and powerful visualization skills to help you reach your goals. This Google Meet workshop will take place at 9:30am and 3:30pm.
Fitness and Intramurals check out https://www.imleagues.com/spa/portal/home and create an account to see all the numerous ways to move at NJIT!
In March, stay tuned for workshops regarding nutrition!
A computer program available to faculty and staff that teaches you ways to self-regulate using mindful breathing. This 5 minute video shows the system in action.
NJIT has three Biofeedback machines available at the Center for Peer Wellness Coaching. Contact youthser.guerrero@njit.edu for more information or visit https://calendly.com/njitpwc/20mins to book time with a machine.
NJIT has partnered with BetterYou to bring you a non-intrusive mobile app to help you stick to your health goals!
Need help or want to discuss your health goals with our wellness coach? email youthser.guerrero@njit.edu or visit the Center for Peer Wellness Coaching!
We will create wellness challenges to diversify our communities activities and those can be found through BetterYou when you use our NJIT-specific sign up link. Through the app, you can invite other colleagues to join in the fun, let's motivate each other to be healthier!
NJIT Faculty and staff interested in participating in wellness coaching will meet with our program coordinator, Youthser ("yo-sir") Guerrero most recently supported healthcare professionals during the Covid19 pandemic and has prior years of experience promoting health and wellness across diverse demographics in various settings. He received a Masters in Exercise Science from Montclair State University.
Youthser promotes his own wellness by listening to music, moving, cooking, practicing mindfulness and learning. He is lovingly supported by his wife Carolyn and daughters Elise and Charlotte. Youthser believes in ongoing learning, practicing compassion towards self and others and inserting fun into life as much as possible.