Disposal of Surplus Lab or Shop Equipment

Please follow the steps below for the disposal of surplus equipment:

1. Complete the NJIT Surplus Property Form. Be sure to list each piece of equipment and the associated NJIT Property Tag Numbers. The form may be found at the link below:


2. Send the completed form to general accounting - propertycontrol@njit.edu and copy the Environmental Health and Safety department (EHS) – healthandsafety@njit.edu

a. Finance will check that the item is fully depreciated, check with relevant granting agencies (if required), and prepare to remove the item from the NJIT property list

b. EHS will need to inspect each piece of equipment to ensure:

i.That the equipment is decontaminated
1. all equipment disposed from an NJIT laboratory will need to be surface decontaminated with a suitable disinfectant before it may be handled by Facilities Services personnel. Equipment decontamination should be completed by the lab or shop personnel seeking to dispose of the equipment.

ii. That the equipment contains no hazardous components
1. various pieces of equipment will need to have certain regulated components removed prior to disposal – examples may include: high intensity lamps, UV lamps, mercury switches, separation columns, pump oil, lubricants, batteries, etc. Typically, these items are removed by the user of the equipment if they are able.

2. certain pieces of equipment, like the detector component of a gas chromatograph, may contain radioactive sources which will need to be removed and handled by EHS. This should never be done by the lab personnel – always contact EHS for assistance.

3. refrigerators, freezers, chillers that may contain refrigerant gasses must have the gasses evacuated by Facilities Services personnel prior to the equipment being disposed
a. to request Facilities Services assistance in evacuating refrigerant gasses please place a work order via the on-line Maintenance Request System using the following link: http://www5.njit.edu/maintenance/
b. the proper craft to select is: Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning (HVAC)

iii. Once these steps are completed EHS will place a sticker on the equipment indicating that it is safe to dispose and may be handled by Facilities personnel
a. to request Facilities Services assistance in removing surplus equipment from the lab or shop once the item has been cleared for removal by EHS, please place a work order via the on-line Maintenance Request System using the following link: http://www5.njit.edu/maintenance/
b. the proper craft to select is: Equipment